Sunday, January 10, 2010

it's been a year

It's been a year since I posted. Someone asked me if i had a blog and i said, "no." But then i remembered this! So i thought I'd post something. Since Christmas I've bought two books. The first is by Phyllis Tickle, and it's a pocket edition of the Divine Hours. Basically it leads through fixed times of prayer throughout the day. This is a new practice to me, but very intriguing. I guess it's an outgrowth of my draw to the Book of Common Prayer. The idea of praying prayers that have been prayed for centuries helps me feel rooted historically. It also helps me to pray the words of scripture, giving me words when my own words fail. The other book I've started is by the ever controversial Brian McLaren. The first book I ready by Brian was A New Kind of Christian, which was a breath of fresh air for me at the time. Since then I've read him on and off, and he's drifted progressively away from where I'm comfortable. However, I have appreciated his thoughts. In Finding Our Way Again, McLaren introduces a new series on the ancient practices. I spent a lot of time at a recent retreat i was cooking for reading it. It rekindled some of my desires to engage in these practices. That's all for now.

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